Important Explanations:

1. The amount of the membership fee correlates with the gross income of members, i.e. the amount of one’s income before taxes and other deductions are subtracted. Members assign themselves to the respective class of membership. It is not necessary for members to hand in income statements. However, the GAAS reserves the right of a possible inquiry and of demanding further information. Any change of income is to be reported to the Executive Director. The Executive Director can then determine additional payments or refunds even during the current fiscal year according to the date of change.

2. In case your partner is a fully paying member of the GAAS, there is the possibility of a reduced partner membership fee. The partner membership is equivalent to the regular membership. If you want to make use of this option, please fill out our regular membership form but note that you wish to apply for partner membership. Please also provide us with the name of your partner; without this information, we will have to charge regular membership fees.

3. The GAAS also offers membership to university departments, research institutions, and companies. The departmental fee includes the subscription to our Information Booklet, our circular letters, and other informational material but does not grant voting rights in the annual meeting.

4. The GAAS is a registered association under German association law. Membership gives you voting rights in the annual meeting. In contrast to American organizations (e.g. OAH and ASA), non-payment of membership fees does not constitute a termination of your membership. Should you wish to terminate your membership, you need to write an e-mail to the Executive Director ( Cancellation always takes effect on December 31 of a year for the following year. In the current calendar year the membership fee still has to be paid in full.

Terms of Payment

Membership fees are due at the beginning of each calendar year in full amount. Provided that you have a bank account located in Germany, please fill out both our membership form and the attached direct debit authorization so that you can take part in our convenient direct debiting system. If this does not apply to you, please transfer your fees to our membership account. Please refrain from sending in checks or cash. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card payments. If you want to apply for membership please indicate your membership category according to the box listed above.

Account information:
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Amerikastudien
IBAN: DE81 8004 0000 0127 5981 00


Straße und Hausnummer ** Dieser Abschnitt ist für Ihre privaten Adressdaten bestimmt. (Die obige Adresse ist Ihre Arbeitsadresse) | Street Address ** This section is for your private address information. (Above is your work address)
Members benefit from our monthly newsletter that contains information about American Studies conferences, scholarships, job postings, events, and much more. You can unsubscribe any time by sending an e-mail to the Executive Director of the DGfA.