18th issue of aspeers, the graduate-level peer-reviewed American studies journal

Deadline: October 20, 2024

Call for Papers: aspeers, graduate-level peer-reviewed American studies journal

Deadline: October 20, 2024

aspeers, the first and currently only peer-reviewed print journal for MA-level American studies scholars in Europe, calls for papers for its eighteenth issue by October 20, 2024.

As in previous years, aspeers calls for general submissions of excellent academic work by MA-level students as well as for work specifically focused on this year’s topic of “American (Anti-)Heroes.”

For more information, please refer to the following URLs:

* General Submissions:

* Submissions on “American Conspiracies”:

We kindly ask all American studies faculty to forward these two calls to their MA-level students and to keep an eye out for outstanding MA-level work when grading seminar papers this summer.

aspeers is a unique opportunity for students to get published early on in their career and to gain experience with the process of publishing academic work. If you have any questions, please consult http://www.aspeers.com/2025 or get in touch with us directly via editors@aspeers.com. Thank you very much for your help!