35th Biennial EAAS Conference | Munich, April 2-7, 2024

Deadline: September 3, 2023

PANEL CFP – the EAAS Digital Studies Network:

Immigration, Technology, and American Society: Exploring the Digital Dimensions of Migration

The panel on “Immigration, Technology, and American Society” as part of the EAAS Digital Studies Network aims to examine the multifaceted relationship between technology, migration, and American society in the context of contemporary immigration issues.

As digital technologies continue to shape our world, they have had a profound impact on migration processes, experiences, and the social dynamics that emerge as a result.

This panel wishes to bring together experts from diverse disciplines within American Studies in an attempt to explore this intersection and its implications for individuals, communities, and policy-making within the United States.

The panel paper presentations will address the following research questions/themes/topics:

1.       How do digital technologies facilitate and shape the movement of people across borders, particularly in the context of immigration to the United States? What role do social media, online platforms, and mobile applications play in fostering migration networks and enabling communication among migrants?

2.       How does digital technology influence the experiences and integration processes of migrants in the American context? What are the opportunities and challenges presented by digital tools in terms of access to information, services, and social networks for immigrants in the United States?

3.         How does digital technology capture immigration experiences via the creation of archival collections?

4.         How is digital technology used by media artists and storytellers and how does it contribute to enhancing the immigration narrative experience?

5.       What are the social, cultural, and economic consequences of the digitalization of migration processes in the American context? How does the virtualization of migration impact notions of identity, belonging, and community formation within American society?

6.       What ethical and legal challenges arise from the intersection of digital technology and immigration in the United States? How can we ensure the protection of migrants’ rights, privacy, and security in an increasingly digitalized immigration landscape within the American context?

7.         How is the impact of technology and digital media reflected in fictive narratives on migration in the medium of literature, comics, film, art, or theater?

By shedding light on the topics above, this panel intends to foster an insightful and interdisciplinary discussion on the complex interplay between immigration, technology, and American society.

It seeks to generate new insights, identify best practices, track down storytelling practices and online archival collections in addition to contributing to the development of policies that effectively address the challenges and opportunities arising at the nexus of technology, migration, and American identity.

Prospective participants are invited to:

  • submit 200-word abstracts for 20-minute paper presentations,
  • a 150-word bio-sketch.

Please email the information requested above to the panel organizers:

  • Stefan L. Brandt (stefan.brandt@uni-graz)
  • Frank Mehring (frank.mehring@ru.nl)
  • Tatiani G: Rapatzikou (trapatz@enl.auth.gr)

Deadline for email submissions: September 3, 2023