Extended Deadline: December 1, 2021
Dear Members of the German Association for American Studies,
The deadline for submission of workshop proposals for the 2022 annual meeting of the DGfA/GAAS on “Political Education and American Studies” from June 9-11, 2022, in Tübingen has been extended to December 1, 2021.
We received a number of great proposals, but important topics and significant analytical perspectives were missing. In addition, some disciplines were underrepresented among the submissions and in the thematic scope of the proposed workshops. We particularly encourage proposals by historians and political scientists, and we would like to see workshops on the following topics:
- the conceptualization of political education in the United States and Germany (e.g. education and the history of ideas, education as a means of democratization)
- activism as education in the labor movement
- literature as education (e.g. the canon wars, banned books and theories)
- inter- and transnational education (e.g. “re-education,” cultural diplomacy, the United States Information Service)
- educational justice and equality (e.g. politics of education, school boards, issues of inclusion and exclusion)
- environmental/ecological education
The original CFP can be found here.
Proposals for workshops need to include two speakers who have been contacted in advance. In addition, proposals should allow for two to three more speakers to apply after the proposal has been accepted by the Advisory Board of the German Association for American Studies.
Please remember that workshops can only be organized by members of the German Association for American Studies. Similarly, all speakers in these workshops have to be members of the Associationby the time of the annual meeting. This rule does not apply to members of EAAS/ASA sister organizations.
Please send all workshop proposals to: executive_director@dgfa.de.
The new deadline for submissions is December 1, 2021.
Simon Wendt
Executive Director