Application deadline: October 11, 2021
The University of Zurich invites applications for a Professorship in American Literature and Media (open rank) starting on 1 August 2023.
Applicants are expected to have an excellent international track record as well as teaching experience in American Literature, American Studies or an equivalent field. The position requires a research focus in intermediality; additional expertise in new media studies would be an asset. The future professor will teach North American literature and culture. We are searching for a colleague who will make innovative contributions to the field and develop joint research projects and teaching collaborations with other members of the English Department, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, as well as national and international institutions of higher education. We are also interested in contributing to the UZH Digital Society Initiative and cooperating with University Research Priority Programs such as Equality of Opportunity or Digital Religion(s).
Candidates must have completed a doctoral degree (PhD) in the relevant field and published additional excellent research. Depending on the qualifications of the appointee, the professorship will take the form of a full, associate or an assistant professorship with tenure track. Whereas all teaching is conducted in English, the university’s administrative language is German. Non-German speaking candidates are expected to acquire a working knowledge of the language within the first three years of appointment.
The English Department, the University of Zurich and Zurich as a center of higher education offer a vibrant research and teaching environment with multiple opportunities for scientific exchange and collaboration. As an equal opportunities employer, the University of Zurich strives to increase the percentage of women in leading positions and therefore encourages qualified female researchers to apply.
The closing date for applications (preferably in English) is 11 October 2021. Details on the application procedure are available on For further information please contact the Head of Department Prof. Michael C. Frank (