Doctoral researchers: 65% TV-L E13, fixed term for four years, start October 1, 2024
Postdoctoral researchers: 100% TV-L E13, fixed term for two years, start October 1, 2024
Deadline: May 1, 2024
Based at the English Department of the University of Freiburg, the ERC Project (Consolidator Grant) “DERIVATE: “Retelling and Repetition: Towards a Literary History of Derivation” inquires into the practice of retelling as a springboard for conceptualizing literary history in terms of a history of derivations. Starting from the premise that retelling is a transhistorical concept, the project sheds new light on the processes of reception that find their expression in the current interest in and relevance of premodern material as witnessed by the surge of retellings in contemporary English literature.
The project is open for applicants from English Literature, Northamerican Studies, English Philology, Postcolonial Studies, etc. We are looking for:
- two doctoral researchers (65 %, limited to 30.09.2028, Kennziffer: 00003676), advertisement:
- one postdoctoral researcher specializing in English Literature (100%, limited to 30.09.2026, Kennziffer: 00003677), advertisement: The successful candidate is expected to conduct a research project that focuses on retellings of ancient and/or medieval subject matter in the English language that have a performative dimension (lyric and drama) and that engages with topics such as performance and performativity, bricolage, orality, and experiments with forms.
- one postdoctoral researcher specializing in English Literature and/or the Sociology of Literature (100%, limited to 30.09.2026, Kennziffer: 00003679), advertisement: successful candidate is expected to conduct a research project that focuses on retelling(s) and literary practice in the 21st century, including topics such as authorship, the canon and the status of literary works, (un)originality, and ethical and legal issues (e.g. in view of developments in A.I.)
Please send your application in English including supporting documents mentioned in the respective advertisement citing the reference number by 01.05.2024 at the latest. Please send your application to the following address in written or electronic form:
Universität Freiburg
Englisches Seminar,
Prof. Dr. Eva von Contzen
Rempartstrasse 15
79085 Freiburg
For further information, please contact Eva Contzen