The Heidelberg Center for American Studies Graduate Blog is welcoming contributions on all topics related to American Studies. The HCA Graduate Blog is a platform that emphasizes the interdisciplinary work of junior researchers in American Studies. Therefore, we invite contributions from fields such as (but not limited to) Cultural Studies, Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, History, Linguistics, Literary Studies, Media Studies, Political Science and Religious Studies.
The HCA Graduate Blog was founded in 2018 and has grown tremendously since then. We register about 2.500 to 5.000 clicks on our articles every month and in 2021, almost 30.000 people visited our Blog.
Contributions should be up to 2,000 words and are accepted on a rolling basis. If you would like to contribute, send an inquiry and/or short abstract of max. 200 words to the editors at: For more information on the blog and the author guidelines, see