CfP: “Cultures of Denunciation: Defamation and Creative Resistance in Nineteenth-Century American Literature”

Forthcoming publication that will examine the representation and negotiation of “cultures of denunciation” in nineteenth-century American literature Deadline: June 1, 2023 The themes of ostracism, social exclusion, and defamation have become increasingly and globally relevant in contemporary society, with the rise of cancel culture and public condemnation of perceived misdemeanors. We have recently witnessed the…

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CfP: “CAPTIVATING CRIMINALITY 10: Celebrating Crime Fiction”

10th Conference of the Captivating Criminality Network Bath Spa University in Bath, UK | August 31-September 2, 2023 Deadline: May 1, 2023 The Captivating Criminality Network is delighted to announce its tenth conference, Captivating Criminality 10: Celebrating Crime Fiction, which will be held at Bath Spa University in Bath, UK. Building upon and developing ideas and themes…

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CfP: “Postcolonial Narrations Forum 2023: Queering Postcolonial Worlds”

University of Bremen | October 6-7, 2023 Deadline: June 30, 2023 In Queer Phenomenology (2006), Sara Ahmed explores racial and sexual orientations in the world, writing “Queer orientations are those that put within reach bodies that have been made unreachable by the lines of conventional genealogy. Queer orientations might be those that don’t line up,…

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Assistant Professor of English and American Literature and Culture, Specialising in Intercultural Encounters at Nijmegen University (NL)

80%, fixed term for 18 months Deadline: April 10, 2023 Today’s world requires critical thinkers. People who can define new directions for research and teaching that respond to the changes and challenges of our times. As an Assistant Professor of English and American Literature and Culture, you will join a diverse group of dedicated scholars,…

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CfP: Humanities Bulletin Journal

Vol. 6, No. 1 – May, 2023 Deadline: April 25, 2023 ISSN 2517-4266 Humanities Bulletin is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal which features original studies and reviews in the various branches of Humanities, including History, Literature, Philosophy, Arts. This journal is not allied with any specific school of thinking or cultural tradition; instead, it encourages dialogue…

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International Conference at Potsdam University | March 29-31, 2023 What is a crisis? From a financial, economic, political, psychological or even moral perspective, and many more, the word ‘crisis’ continues to leave traces on our public and private discourse, often accepted as an unavoidable and uncontested category to qualify the present. The three-day hybrid conference will attempt to…

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CfP: “Living and Dying in the Anthropocene: Responses in Contemporary Literature from the Western Hemisphere”

Special issue of the journal AmLit – American Literatures Deadline: May 1, 2023 Living and Dying in the Anthropocene: Responses in Contemporary Literature from the Western Hemisphere A themed volume of AmLit—American Literatures, a journal produced by a consortium of eight European universities and based at the University of Graz, Austria. AmLit is an international…

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CfP: “Poetic Voice and Materiality” in ASAP Journal

Deadline: January 17, 2023 Cluster Call for Papers: Poetic Voice and Materiality The editors Zoe Bursztajn-Illingworth and Julius Greve seek essays for an ASAP/J cluster on “Poetic Voice and Materiality”. We understand this topic to capaciously include new approaches to questions of poetic voice in contemporary American poetry. Experimental responses to questions of voice in poetry are…

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CfP: “SLSAeu 2023: Models, Metaphors and Simulations. Epistemic Transformations in Literature, Science, and the Arts”

Conference of SLSAeu European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts and ELINAS Research Center for Literature and Natural Science Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg | May 18-21, 2023 Deadline: February 20, 2023 The SLSAeu Conference 2023 is centered on modes of exchange between discourses and practices of knowledge production, re-presentation and simulation which lead to epistemic transformations in science, literature…

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Opening: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) at Humboldt University Berlin

65% TV-L E13, fixed term for three years, starts April 1, 2023 Deadline: December 6, 2022 Kennziffer AN/306/22 Einsatzort Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät – Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Nordamerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft Aufgabengebiet Wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen in Forschung und Lehre im Bereich der Amerikanistik und Gender Studies Aufgaben zur eigenen wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung mit Schwerpunkt in…

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Opening: Referentin / Referent (m/w/d) at Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus gGmbH

Full time, fixed term for two years Deadline: January 15, 2023 Die Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus gGmbH sucht für die Bayerische Amerika-Akademie im Amerikahaus eine Referentin / einen Referenten (m/w/d) in Vollzeit Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehört: Organisation und Durchführung aller Programme der Bayerischen Amerika-Akademie (BAA) als Netzwerkorganisation der Amerikaforscher*innen in Bayern, wie Konferenzen, Sommerschulen, Workshops, Einzelveranstaltungen…

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6 PhD scholarships, up to 20 memberships, and up to 2 DAAD-funded PhD scholarships at Gießen University

Three-year structured PhD programs | start October 1, 2023 Deadline: February 1, 2023 Giessen University’s International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) offers a three-year, structured PhD-programme in the study of culture, tailored to the needs of PhD students with optimal conditions and a custom-made preparation for the time thereafter. We encourage cooperation across status…

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Opening: Akademische*r Rat/Rätin auf Zeit (m/w/d) at Erlangen-Nürnberg University

100% TV-L A13 | fixed term for three years | starts April 1, 2023 Deadline: January 4, 2023 Der Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik, insbesondere Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Heike Paul) am Department Anglistik/Amerikanistik und Romanistik besetzt ab dem 1. April 2023 eine Vollzeitstelle als Akademische*r Rat/Rätin auf Zeit (m/w/d), Besoldungsgruppe A13, befristet auf 3 Jahre…

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4-Year Doctoral Position for International Students at LMU Munich

DAAD-funded 4-Year Doctoral Scholarship for International Doctoral Students in North American History/History of the Americas/Transatlantic History Deadline: December 15, 2022 The Graduate School Language & Literature at Ludwig-Maxmilians-University Munich (Germany) offers a doctoral fellowship for excellent international students wishing to pursue a doctoral degree in North American History/History of the Americas/Transatlantic History. The fellowship is sponsored…

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Openings: 3 doctoral grants and 7 additional doctoral memberships at The Graduate School of North American Studies (GSNAS), Freie Universität Berlin

Funding period of one year Deadline: January 31, 2023 The Graduate School of North American Studies (GSNAS) at Freie Universität Berlin invites applications for 3 doctoral grants with a funding period of one year (1,350 EUR per month, 2023-2024) as well as up to 7 additional doctoral memberships for candidates who have already obtained third-party funding (starting date: October…

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Book Series Relaunch: “European Studies in North American Literature and Culture” | Camden House (Rochester, NY)

inviting book proposals for monographs and edited volumes Dear colleagues, I’m pleased to let you know that Camden House is relaunching its book series “European Studies in North American Literature and Culture” and invites proposals for monographs and edited volumes from authors at any academic career stage. If you are looking for a quality publisher…

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CFP: New academic journal “AmLit – American Literatures”

Deadline: November 14, 2022 For a new journal dedicated to the study of American Literatures – AmLit – we are looking for guest editors interested in organizing one of the journal’s maiden issues. AmLit is designed as a new academic venue for experienced as well as young and upcoming scholars to publish collections of cutting-edge articles on recent developments in American literature. We…

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International Conference: “Playing the Field III: Video Game Ecologies and American Studies”

Amerikahaus Munich | November 17-19, 2022 “Playing the Field III: Video Game Ecologies and American Studies” serves as a platform for scholarly exchange on the growing significance of the medium of video games in American (and global) culture. Contributions will examine the environments that video games affect and are impacted by through the lens of…

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Rethinking Relations: Michel Serres and the Environmental Humanities

International and interdisciplinary conference at TU Dresden | November 9-12, 2022 This conference is dedicated to interdisciplinary dialogues between the environmental humanities and the boundary-defying work of the late philosopher of science Michel Serres. Committed to the incessant circulations between nature and culture, the global and the local, the natural sciences and the humanities, Michel…

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EAAS Funding for Participation at the Salzburg Global Seminar

Deadline: October 1, 2022 Dear GAAS members, It is with great pleasure that we bring a grant/funding opportunity to your attention. On the occasion of the 75-year anniversary of American Studies at Schloss Leopoldskron (Salzburg, Austria). EAAS will partially fund a post-doc/early career scholar to attend the Salzburg Global Seminar on “Democracy on the Front…

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Opening: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d) at Stuttgart University

TV-L 13, 50%, Post-Doc, fixed-term for three years Deadline: September 30, 2022 Am Institut für Literaturwissenschaft, Abteilung Amerikanische Literatur & Kultur der Universität Stuttgart ist eine Stelle mit der Bezeichnung Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d)(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 50%, Post-Doc) befristet für die Dauer von zunächst drei Jahren zu besetzen. Aufgaben: eigenständige Forschung mit dem Ziel der wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifikation in den Bereichen Transnational American Studies, Digital…

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Opening: Junior Professorship (W1) “Migration and the Americas” (f/m/d) at Heidelberg University

Starts March 1, 2023 Deadline: October 3, 2022 The Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS) at Heidelberg University, Germany, is accepting applications for a junior professorship position to be appointed with a tentative starting date of March 1, 2023. This junior professorship is a temporary qualification position limited to six years. It is based at…

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