CfP Annual Conference of the PGF of the GAAS/DGfA: Challenges of the Post-Truth Era in American Studies

CHALLENGES OF THE POST-TRUTH ERA IN AMERICAN STUDIES 30TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE POSTGRADUATE FORUM (PGF) OF THE GERMAN ASSOCIATION FOR AMERICAN STUDIES (GAAS/DGFA) Since its inception in 1989, the PGF has been a platform for early career researchers in the field of American studies to present their current work and engage in critical conversations…

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CfP 67th Annual Conference of the DGfA: “Participation in American Culture and Society,” Heidelberg, June 4-6, 2020

CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS, 67TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE DGFA: “PARTICIPATION IN AMERICAN CULTURE AND SOCIETY,” HEIDELBERG CENTER FOR AMERICAN STUDIES (HCA), HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY, JUNE 4-6, 2020 Deadline: October 1, 2019 Local Organizers: Manfred Berg (History), Ulrike Gerhard (Geography), Günter Leypoldt (Literature and Culture), Margit Peterfy (Literature and Culture), Jan Stievermann (Religious History), Martin Thunert…

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Call for Papers: Symposium “African American Worldmaking in the Long Nineteenth Century,” University of Potsdam, October 11 and 12, 2019

Symposium: African American Worldmaking in the Long Nineteenth CenturyUniversity of Potsdam, October 11 and 12, 2019 Organizers: Verena Adamik, Hannah Spahn, and Nicole Waller 4 Presentation Slots for Early-Career Scholars: Work in Progress Presentations This symposium brings together early-career scholars (doctoral researchers or researchers in an early postdoc stage) with established scholars and community historians…

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Call for Papers: “Relativität und Bildung” Fachdidaktische Tagung vom 18.2.-20.02.2020 an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Call for Papers: “Relativität und Bildung” Fachdidaktische Tagung vom 18.2.-20.02.2020 an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen In einer pluralen und demokratischen Gesellschaft ist die Relativität von Gewissheiten konstitutiv geworden, so sind auch politische und religiöse Vereindeutigungsversuche hier nur Ausdruck für die Nachfrage nach stellvertretenden Bewältigungsangeboten. Das Thema Relativität scheint aber neben dieser gesellschaftlichen Dimension auch…

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Call for Papers: Symposium “Migrant States of Exception” November 14-16, 2019, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Migrant states of exception proliferate and intensify across the world. While processes of globalization have fostered movement and enhanced connectivity on a hitherto unprecedented scale, they have also brought the highly uneven distribution of elected and enforced mobility to the fore. Such physical and virtual forms of mobility are at the center of processes of…

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Call for Papers: “Black Editorship in the Early Atlantic World” Special Issue Atlantic Studies

Dear colleagues, we invite contributions to a Special Issue (to appear with Atlantic Studies) on “Black Editorship in the Early Atlantic World”. Please find the call for contributions at Deadline: October 31, 2018 We look forward to your input! Nele Sawallisch & Johanna Seibert

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Call for Papers: Heidelberg Center for American Studies 16th Annual Spring Academy Conference

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications for its annual one‐week Spring Academy conference, which provides twenty international Ph.D. students with the opportunity to present and discuss their Ph.D. projects. The sixteenth HCA Spring Academy on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics & Religion will be held from March 18-22, 2019. APPLICATIONS…

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Call for Papers: Atlantic Studies: Global Currents Routledge, UK: Special Issue: “Black Editorship in the Early  Atlantic World”

Call for Papers: Atlantic Studies: Global Currents Routledge, UK: Special Issue: “Black Editorship in the Early Atlantic World” Scholarship on early African American print has developed  substantially in the last decade. Major collections like Lara Langer Cohen and Alexander Stein’s Early African American Print Culture (2012) or George Hutchinson and John K. Young’s Publishing Blackness (2013), along…

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Call for Papers: Culture & International History VI – Visions of Humanity, May 6-8, 2019, John F. Kennedy Institute, FU Berlin

Call for Papers: Culture & International History VI: Visions of Humanity 6 – 8 May 2019 in Berlin  John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin   The conference Culture and International History VI will take place from the 6th through the 8th of May, 2019 in Berlin. Siep Stuurman (Universiteit Utrecht), author of The Invention of…

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Call for Papers: “The Age of Sharing? Practices of Sharing in Contemporary Media, Literature and Culture” March 20-22, 2019, University Koblenz-Landau

The Age of Sharing? Practices of Sharing in Contemporary Media, Literature and Culture (20.-22. March 2019; University Koblenz-Landau/Germany) The concept of sharing has become pervasive in the 21st century. We are encouraged to ‘share’ our digital data (e.g. facebook) and to participate in the ‘sharing industry’ (e.g. Airbnb). Moreover, popular self-help literature emphasizes that we…

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Call for Papers: “Intersectionality: Theories, Policies, Practices” February 14-17, 2019, Grainau, Germany

“Intersectionality: Theories, Policies, Practices” February 14-17, 2019, Grainau, Germany 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS) The Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries is a multidisciplinary academic association which aims to increase and disseminate a scholarly understanding of Canada. For our 2019 annual conference, we invite papers from…

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Call for Papers: Challenging Comfort as an Idea(l) in Contemporary Literature and Culture, Dec 8, 2018, University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau

Challenging Comfort as an Idea(l) in Contemporary Literature and Culture, Dec 8, 2018; University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau Contemporary culture has a deeply ambivalent attitude towards comfort. On the one hand, comfort is enshrined as a key ideal in practices from nursing to urban planning. Healthy home and working environments are characterised in terms of…

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Call for Papers: INPUTS International Symposium “Karl Marx, Marxism, and the Global South”, Bremen

Call for papers: INPUTS International Symposium “Karl Marx, Marxism, and the Global South”, University of Bremen, City University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, 4-5 May 2018 Organisation: Dr. Detlev Quintern (INPUTS, FSMV University, Istanbul) Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf (INPUTS, University of Bremen) Prof. Dr. Hans-Heinrich Bass (City University of Applied Sciences, Bremen) On 5 May 2018 the 200th…

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Call for Papers: Where is Home?/Diaspora in Nigeria – International Conference at the University of Abuja, Nigeria

Call for Papers: WHERE IS HOME? NIGERIAN DIASPORA / DIASPORA IN NIGERIA AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE at the University of Abuja, Nigeria in collaboration with the University of Muenster, Germany, 19-22 November, 2018       CHIEF HOST Prof. Michael U. Adikwu, FAS, FPSN, FSTAN, MIPAN Vice Chancellor, University of Abuja   Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Bernardine…

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Call for Papers: Context is for Kings – An Edited Collection on Star Trek: Discovery

Call for Papers: Context is for Kings – An Edited Collection on Star Trek: DiscoveryDeadline 15 April, 2018 51 years after Star Trek: The Original Series first aired on U.S. American TV, Star Trek: Discovery is updating the franchise for the 21st century. Like TOS was in the 60s, Discovery is firmly rooted in…

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Call for Articles: American Studies in Scandinavia 

Call for Articles:  American Studies in Scandinavia is a respected and traditional (established in 1968) peer-reviewed journal in American Studies. It is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, inclusive to academic specialties as varied as history, literature, politics, geography, area studies, media studies, ethnic studies, culture studies, law, economics, and linguistics. We currently draw manuscript submissions from authors around…

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CfA: BAA 10th International Summer Academy, “Questions of the Archive” June 2 – June 10, 2018 in Miami

The Bavarian American Academy in Munich invites applications for its 10th International Summer Academy for Doctoral Students and Junior Faculty in American Studies on “Questions of the Archive” June 2-10, 2018, in Miami in cooperation with Florida International University and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. Link to BAA_SummerAcademy2018_CfA Following the widely discussed archival turn in the humanities, this year’s…

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CfP: “The State of Human Rights: Historical Genealogies, Political Controversies, and Cultural Imaginaries”, Bavarian American Academy, Amerikahaus Munich, July 5-7, 2018

“The State of Human Rights: Historical Genealogies, Political Controversies, and Cultural Imaginaries” 18th Annual International Conference of the Bavarian American Academy July 5-7, 2018, Amerikahaus Munich – Call for Papers for a Postgraduate Panel – Link to CfP.   “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” — Article 1 of the United…

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CfP: “Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies”, Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, Mainz, June 21-23, 2018

CfP: “Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies” Closing Conference of the DFG-funded research network “Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies” (DFG # BA 3567/4-1) Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, June 21-23, 2018. Conference organizers: Dr. Pia Wiegmink (Obama Institute) and Dr. Birgit M. Bauridl (U Regensburg)   Link to CfP The closing…

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CfP: “American Im/Mobilities” University of Vienna, Nov. 16-18, 2018

Call for Papers: “American Im/Mobilities” 45th Austrian Assocation for American Studies Conference 2018 University of Vienna, Nov. 16-18, 2018 Link to Cfp_American Im/Mobilities Geographical and social mobility—often seen as interdependent—have been pivotal tropes throughout American literature and culture. More often than not, American narratives and performances of mobility celebrate individualism, in line with dominant models…

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CfP: Special Issue “Monsters and Monstrosity in Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literature”; Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies

Call for Papers  Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies Special issue on “Monsters and Monstrosity in Nineteenth–Century Anglophone Literature”  Guest editors: Gero Guttzeit and Natalya Bekhta Anglophone literature in the nineteenth century abounds in monsters that continue to horrify even in the present: vampires, mummies, doppelgangers, ghosts, and zombies as well as Frankenstein’s monster, the…

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CfP: “New Sincerity – Self-Expression in North American Culture” – International Conference, January 25–26 2019, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

 Call for Papers New Sincerity Self-Expression in North American Culture An International Conference January 25 – 26 2019, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena In 1993, David Foster Wallace called for a new generation of sincere literary rebels who would be “willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted…

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CfP: “Narrating and Constructing the Beach” International and interdisciplinary conference at the Amerikahaus Munich, 14 – 16 June, 2018

CFP: Narrating and Constructing the Beach, Munich (Abstracts: 14 January, 2018) International and interdisciplinary conference at the Amerikahaus Munich, 14 – 16 June, 2018 Keynote: Michael Taussig, Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University [deutsche Version unten] The beach has recently become the site of important transformations: understood in the context of mass tourism for many years,…

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CfP: American Counter/Publics, 65th Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies

CALL FOR PAPERS: American Counter/Publics 65th Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, May 24-27, 2018 Deadline: January 10, 2018   All members of the association and those interested are invited to submit paper proposals for the 2018 Annual Conference of the…

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Call for Papers: Heidelberg Center for American Studies – Spring Academy Conference

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications from international Ph.D. students for its fifteenth annual HCA Spring Academy conference on American Culture, Geography, History, Literature, Politics & Religion. The conference will take place in Heidelberg from March 19 to March 23, 2018. Further information and the online application form are available from August 15…

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Call for Workshop Proposals: 65th Annual Conference of the GAAS/DGfA “American Counter/Politics”, May 24-27, 2018

American Counter/Publics 65th Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, May 24-27, 2018 Deadline: October 1, 2017 Local Organizers: Irwin Collier (Economics), Jessica Gienow-Hecht (History), Ulla Haselstein (Literature), Frank Kelleter (Culture), Christian Lammert (Political Science), Harald Wenzel (Sociology) The “public sphere”—an…

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Postgraduate Conference: Life Writing in the Digital Age: Quantification, Optimization and the Self

University of Mannheim, September 29-30, 2017 Deadline: June 30,2017 The research project “Probing the Limits of the Quantified Self – Human Agency and Knowledge in Literature & Culture of the Information Age,” funded by the German research association (DFG), invites scholars to submit proposals for its postgraduate conference – Life Writing in the Digital Age:…

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Call for Papers: The Revolution Will Not Be Peer-Reviewed: American Disconnects and the Production of Knowledge

Graduate Conference at the Graduate School of North American Studies John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin May 5 and 6, 2017 Postmodern Western societies have long been marked by deep cultural and economic divisions that inhibit successful communication between social groups. As a sense of disconnect grows in the current political climate, the academic…

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14th Annual Spring Academy Conference, HCA

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications from international Ph.D. students for its fourteenth annual HCA Spring Academy conference on American History, Culture, and Politics. The conference will take place in Heidelberg from March 20 to March 24, 2017. Further information and the online application form are available from August 15 on, at:…

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Call for Papers: Summer School “Inside/Outside: Queer Networks in Transnational Perspective”

September 11. – 16. 2016, Hannover, Germany This summer school aims to bring together scholars and activists from Central and Eastern Europe with peers from the United States and scholars of North American Studies. It reflects on the current cultural, legal, and political conditions of representation, articulation, and critique in Central and Eastern European societies,…

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GSNAS Graduate Conference 2016: Flows and Undercurrents. Dimensions of (Im)mobility in North America

June 2-4, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin From lived realities to theoretical discourses, issues of mobility are at the core of many contemporary debates both within North America and globally. (Im)mobility transcends disciplinary boundaries and topics, generating disparate perspectives surrounding movements of people, capital and ideas. Migration, in particular, has become the focus of…

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Call for Papers: DGfA Annual Meeting “The United States and the Question of Rights”, Osnabrück, May 19-22, 2016

Deadline: January 11, 2016 All members of the association and those interested are invited to submit paper proposals for the 2016 Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies “The United States and the Question of Rights“. The  2016  convention  will  attempt  to  tackle  the  question  of  rights  in  the  context  of  U.S.-American  politics, …

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Call for Proposals: Urban America: Mediating City Space as Place

Fifth American Studies Leipzig Graduate Conference Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig April 2, 2016 With the Fifth American Studies Leipzig Graduate Conference “Urban America: Mediating City Space as Place,” we seek to investigate the cultural, social, and political production of spatial realms and places in an interdisciplinary framework. As a platform to discuss the complexity and representations of…

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Call for Papers: The Beautiful Game: The Poetics and Aesthetics of Soccer in Transnational Perspective

University of Basel June 30-July 2, 2016 Confirmed Speakers: Simon Critchley (New School for Social Research) Eva Lavric (University of Innsbruck) Emily Ryall (University of Gloucestershire) This conference, scheduled to take place during the 2016 European Championship and hosted by the University of Basel’s Department of English, takes up soccer with a special focus on…

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Call for Papers: Disrespected Neighbo(u)rs – Cultural Stereotypes in Literature and Film

21.-23.4. 2016, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Caroline Rosenthal, Laurenz Volkmann, Uwe Zagratzki Neighbourly relations frequently position a self against an Other. This is the case between individuals, nations or within various cultural groups of a nation. Our racial, ethnic, social, or gender identities are created in demarcating ourselves from others who differ from us in culturally significant…

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Call for Workshop Proposals: 63rd Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), Osnabrück (Germany), May 19-22, 2016

“The United States and the Question of Rights” Deadline: October 01, 2015 In U.S.-American politics, society and culture, questions concerning the justification, attainment and protection of human and civil rights have always been essential. Despite its obvious legal connotations, however, the intense concern with the question of rights cannot be understood exclusively from a legal…

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Call for Papers: Surveillance │ Society │ Culture, International Conference, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, February 26-28, 2016

International Conference, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, February 26-28, 2016 Deadline: September 21, 2015  Have we grown accustomed to living under constant observation in what sociologist David Lyon has called a “surveillance society”? What only a few decades ago would have been considered a totalitarian nightmare seems to have become reality: surveillance practices and technologies have infiltrated all…

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Call for Papers: “Interdisciplinary Crossroads: Performance Studies in Transnational American Studies”

“Interdisciplinary Crossroads: Performance Studies in Transnational American Studies” Opening Conference DFG Research Network DFG # BA 3567/4-1 ***23-25 July 2015, Regensburg*** Conference Organization: Dr. Birgit M. Bauridl (U Regensburg), Dr. Pia Wiegmink (U Mainz)   The conference opens the DFG research network “Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies,” which explores the potentials of an integration…

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Call for Papers: DGfA Annual Meeting “Knowledge Landscapes North America”, Bonn, May 28-31, 2015

Deadline January 15, 2015. All members of the association and those interested are invited to submit paper proposals for the 2015 Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies “Knowledge Landscapes North America.“ The 2015 Annual Conference endeavors to map North American knowledge landscapes from the perspectives of literary, cultural, and media studies, history,…

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