Opening: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) at Humboldt University Berlin

65% TV-L E13, fixed term for three years, starts April 1, 2023 Deadline: December 6, 2022 Kennziffer AN/306/22 Einsatzort Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät – Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Nordamerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft Aufgabengebiet Wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen in Forschung und Lehre im Bereich der Amerikanistik und Gender Studies Aufgaben zur eigenen wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung mit Schwerpunkt in…

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Opening: Referentin / Referent (m/w/d) at Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus gGmbH

Full time, fixed term for two years Deadline: January 15, 2023 Die Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus gGmbH sucht für die Bayerische Amerika-Akademie im Amerikahaus eine Referentin / einen Referenten (m/w/d) in Vollzeit Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehört: Organisation und Durchführung aller Programme der Bayerischen Amerika-Akademie (BAA) als Netzwerkorganisation der Amerikaforscher*innen in Bayern, wie Konferenzen, Sommerschulen, Workshops, Einzelveranstaltungen…

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6 PhD scholarships, up to 20 memberships, and up to 2 DAAD-funded PhD scholarships at Gießen University

Three-year structured PhD programs | start October 1, 2023 Deadline: February 1, 2023 Giessen University’s International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) offers a three-year, structured PhD-programme in the study of culture, tailored to the needs of PhD students with optimal conditions and a custom-made preparation for the time thereafter. We encourage cooperation across status…

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Opening: Akademische*r Rat/Rätin auf Zeit (m/w/d) at Erlangen-Nürnberg University

100% TV-L A13 | fixed term for three years | starts April 1, 2023 Deadline: January 4, 2023 Der Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik, insbesondere Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Heike Paul) am Department Anglistik/Amerikanistik und Romanistik besetzt ab dem 1. April 2023 eine Vollzeitstelle als Akademische*r Rat/Rätin auf Zeit (m/w/d), Besoldungsgruppe A13, befristet auf 3 Jahre…

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4-Year Doctoral Position for International Students at LMU Munich

DAAD-funded 4-Year Doctoral Scholarship for International Doctoral Students in North American History/History of the Americas/Transatlantic History Deadline: December 15, 2022 The Graduate School Language & Literature at Ludwig-Maxmilians-University Munich (Germany) offers a doctoral fellowship for excellent international students wishing to pursue a doctoral degree in North American History/History of the Americas/Transatlantic History. The fellowship is sponsored…

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Openings: 3 doctoral grants and 7 additional doctoral memberships at The Graduate School of North American Studies (GSNAS), Freie Universität Berlin

Funding period of one year Deadline: January 31, 2023 The Graduate School of North American Studies (GSNAS) at Freie Universität Berlin invites applications for 3 doctoral grants with a funding period of one year (1,350 EUR per month, 2023-2024) as well as up to 7 additional doctoral memberships for candidates who have already obtained third-party funding (starting date: October…

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Book Series Relaunch: “European Studies in North American Literature and Culture” | Camden House (Rochester, NY)

inviting book proposals for monographs and edited volumes Dear colleagues, I’m pleased to let you know that Camden House is relaunching its book series “European Studies in North American Literature and Culture” and invites proposals for monographs and edited volumes from authors at any academic career stage. If you are looking for a quality publisher…

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CFP: New academic journal “AmLit – American Literatures”

Deadline: November 14, 2022 For a new journal dedicated to the study of American Literatures – AmLit – we are looking for guest editors interested in organizing one of the journal’s maiden issues. AmLit is designed as a new academic venue for experienced as well as young and upcoming scholars to publish collections of cutting-edge articles on recent developments in American literature. We…

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EAAS Funding for Participation at the Salzburg Global Seminar

Deadline: October 1, 2022 Dear GAAS members, It is with great pleasure that we bring a grant/funding opportunity to your attention. On the occasion of the 75-year anniversary of American Studies at Schloss Leopoldskron (Salzburg, Austria). EAAS will partially fund a post-doc/early career scholar to attend the Salzburg Global Seminar on “Democracy on the Front…

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Opening: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d) at Stuttgart University

TV-L 13, 50%, Post-Doc, fixed-term for three years Deadline: September 30, 2022 Am Institut für Literaturwissenschaft, Abteilung Amerikanische Literatur & Kultur der Universität Stuttgart ist eine Stelle mit der Bezeichnung Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d)(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 50%, Post-Doc) befristet für die Dauer von zunächst drei Jahren zu besetzen. Aufgaben: eigenständige Forschung mit dem Ziel der wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifikation in den Bereichen Transnational American Studies, Digital…

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Opening: Junior Professorship (W1) “Migration and the Americas” (f/m/d) at Heidelberg University

Starts March 1, 2023 Deadline: October 3, 2022 The Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS) at Heidelberg University, Germany, is accepting applications for a junior professorship position to be appointed with a tentative starting date of March 1, 2023. This junior professorship is a temporary qualification position limited to six years. It is based at…

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Call for Contributions: The HCA Graduate Blog

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies Graduate Blog is welcoming contributions on all topics related to American Studies. The HCA Graduate Blog is a platform that emphasizes the interdisciplinary work of junior researchers in American Studies. Therefore, we invite contributions from fields such as (but not limited to) Cultural Studies, Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, Geography,…

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CfC: “Childfree by Choice: Pro-Natalism in American Literature, Film, and Television”

Special issue of the  Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies (JAAAS) Deadline: January 12, 2023 The JAAAS is calling for contributions to the special issue “Childfree by Choice: Pro-Natalism in American Literature, Film, and Television” guest-edited by Cornelia Klecker. Website: On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court officially overturned the landmark…

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CfP: “Narratives and Narrativity in the Study of Violence”

Two workshops at Goethe University Frankfurt (Main) in November (3-4) and December (8-9) 2022 Deadline: August 30, 2022 The interdisciplinary research initiative on “Power and Abuse” at Goethe University brings together researchers from a range of social sciences and humanities, such as education, history, theology, philosophy, and law. It bundles research on phenomena of power…

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Call for Workshop Proposals: “America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee”

69th Annual Meeting of the DGfA/GAAS June 1-3, 2023 | Rostock University Deadline: October 1, 2022 America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee Still suffering from the shattering economic effects of the global financial crisis triggered by US banks’ large-scale gambling in the real estate sector, America voted a real estate speculator to become its 45th…

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CfP: “aspeers”

Graduate-level, peer-reviewed American studies journal Deadline: October 16, 2022 Call for Papers: aspeers, graduate-level peer-reviewed American studies journalDeadline: October 16, 2022 aspeers, the first and currently only peer-reviewed print journal for MA-level American studies scholars in Europe, calls for papers for its sixteenth issue by October 16, 2022. As in previous years, aspeers calls for…

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Opening: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m,w,d) in der Amerikanistik, Europa-Universität Flensburg

Two-year position (50%) TV-L EG 13, starts November 1, 2022 Deadline: September 1, 2022 Europa-Universität Flensburg is seeking to fill the following vacancy in the Department of English and American Studies ( Assistant (“Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in”) in American Studies, salary grade TV-L 13 (50%). This is a two-year position, starting on November 1, 2022. Prerequisites include a good…

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Opening: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m,w,d) für die Dauer von 3 Jahren mit 26,2878 Wochenstunden  (TVL E13)

Lehrstuhl für American Studies, Englisches Seminar der Fakultät für Philologie | Ruhr Universität Bochum Deadline: July 1, 2022 Der Lehrstuhl für American Studies, Englisches Seminar der Fakultät für Philologie sucht ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m,w,d) für die Dauer von 3 Jahren mit 26,2878 Wochenstunden  (TVL E13) Der Lehrstuhl für American Studies vertritt die amerikanistische…

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Call for contributions: Orbit, special issue on Percival Everett

Deadline: August 30, 2022 Percival Everett is among the most significant and prolific living contemporary American writers. The author of over twenty novels, four short-story collections, five volumes of poetry, and a children’s book, Everett is famed for his versatility and range while retaining a distinctly recognizable style. His prose oeuvre includes masterful satires as…

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Opening: Postdoc position / Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d) in American Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt

100% E 13 TV-L, starts October 1, 2022 Deadline: June 25, 2022 Am Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, Fachbereich Neuere Philologien, der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main ist in der Abteilung Amerikanistik zum 01.10.2022 die Stelle (100%) für eine*n Wissenschaftliche*n Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) (Postdoc) (E13 TV-G-U) befristet für die Dauer von zunächst drei Jahren zu besetzen. Die…

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Interdisciplinary Conference in New Delhi, India | November 22-24, 2022 Deadline: July 31, 2022 This international conference focuses on addressing the impact of CoVID-19 on the marginalized by studying a variety of aspects pertaining to inclusion and marginalization, particularly through the lens of the pandemic, both in historical and contemporary contexts.  For more information and registration, visit:…

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Opening: Tenure-Track Professorship of North American History

Faculty of Humanities, History Department, Contemporary History Section at the University of Tübingen Deadline: May 27, 2022 English version below An der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Tübingen ist im Seminar für Zeitgeschichte zum 01.10.2022 die Tenure Track-Professur für Nordamerikanische Geschichte (m/w/d) zu besetzen. Die Inhaberin oder der Inhaber der Tenure Track-Professur soll das Gebiet der…

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Call for Contributions: “Food, Fatness and Fitness – Critical Perspectives”

Food is everywhere because everybody has to eat. At the same time, food is political: specific foods and ways of eating are connected to particular socio-economic structures and have become prime markers of social distinction. Because food nourishes our bodies, food is also directly associated with our bodies’ health, with our fitness and/or our fatness.…

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Call for Contributions: “Teach-In #3: Invisible Man at 70: Keywords for Teaching Ellison’s Classic Today”

Doing│Teaching American Studies Series | Thursday, June 2, 2022, 7:30 PM, online Deadline (short abstract): May 9, 2022 “I was to dream of a prose which was flexible, and swift as American change is swift, confronting the inequalities and brutalities of our society forthrightly, yet thrusting forth its images of hope, human fraternity and individual…

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CFP: “Technologies of the Human: Assembling the Subject of Rights”

Special Issue of Literature Deadline (abstracts): May 1, 2022 Technologies of the Human: Assembling the Subject of Rights Rights discourses have become a primary “technology” of the human, across the globe. That is to say, we recognize others, as human beings, through an international language of rights and the institutions and infrastructures that disseminate it,…

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Opening: Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Anglophone Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna

Deadline: March 15, 2022 Open to new ideas. Since 1365. The University of Vienna is a research university with high international visibility and a wide range of degree programmes. We are committed to basic research that is open to applications and to research-led teaching, as well as to the dialogue with economy and society. We strive…

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CfP: Refractions of Mass Culture: Modernist Print Media and the Logic of Multiplication

Two-day symposium of the American Studies division at Leibniz University of Hannover | September 22-23, 2022 Deadline: April 15, 2022 Modernist print media tended to insist on being different from mass-oriented publications that surrounded them in the public sphere, even where they drew on them. Yet, as much recent scholarship has shown, avant-garde publications and…

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CfP: Playing the Field III: Video Game Ecologies and American Studies

November 17-19, 2022 | Amerikahaus Munich, Germany Deadline: March 15, 2022 Call for PapersPlaying the Field III: Video Game Ecologies and American StudiesNovember 17-19, 2022Amerikahaus Munich, Germany “Video Game Ecologies and American Studies” is the third conference organized by “Playing the Field,” a collaborative research initiative for the study of video games in American studies:…

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Call for Contributions: Original Lyric Poetry

Special Issue of Amerikastudien / American Studies | Capitalist Crisis Poetry: Neoliberalism and the 21st Century Lyric Deadline: March 1, 2022 – Special Issue: Amerikastudien | American Studies –  Call for Contributions: Original Lyric Poetry       Capitalist Crisis Poetry:Neoliberalism and the 21st Century Lyric Editors: Stefan Benz (Universität Bonn), Marcel Hartwig (Universität Siegen), Hannah Schoch (Universität…

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Opening: W2 Universitätsprofessur für Anglistische oder Amerikanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft | University of Hamburg

Deadline: March 24, 2022 W2 Universitätsprofessur für Anglistische oder Amerikanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Bewerbungsschluss 24.3.2022, Dienstbeginn: schnellstmöglich. Aufgabengebiet Vertretung der Fächer Anglistik (Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft) oder Amerikanistik (Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft) in Lehre und Forschung in ihrer ganzen Breite. Ein transatlantischer oder anglophoner Forschungsschwerpunkt ist erforderlich. Von den…

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Opening: 2 Assistantships (60%) in North American and General Literature at the University of Basel

Deadline: May 2, 2022 2 Assistantships (60%) in North American and General Literature As of August 1, 2022, the Department of English at the University of Basel is looking for two 60% assistants in North American and General Literature (with Prof. Philipp Schweighauser). You will work in a vibrant and research-active department. The conditions of…

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CfP Reminder: “Playing the Field III: Video Game Ecologies and American Studies”

AMERIKAHAUS MUNICH, GERMANY | NOVEMBER 17-19, 2022 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 15, 2022 “Video Game Ecologies and American Studies” is the third conference organized by “Playing the Field,” a collaborative research initiative for the study of video games in American studies: The conference aims at examining the environments that video games affect and are impacted by. It…

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Call for Papers: “Laura E. Richards’ Children’s Poems”

Special Issue of EJAS / European Journal of American Studies Deadline for abstracts: March 31, 2022 Call for Papers— Special Issue EJAS / European Journal of American StudiesLaura E. Richards’ Children’s Poems Co-edited by Etti Gordon Ginzburg (Oranim College, Israel) andVerena Laschinger (University of Erfurt, Germany)Contact email: and Deadline for abstract submissions: March 31, 2022Deadline for final…

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